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Sunday, December 21, 2014

Podcast episode 370ish: Ken Lawson

Birdman Lawson (left) with one of his peeps
This episode was a whole lotta fun even if I sucked way more than usual. You see, Mr. Ken "Birdman" Lawson, improviser extraordinaire, put my manservant Colleen and me through the improv wringer. He taught us and led us through several improv games, much as he would at the Improv Comedy Institute on Granville Island. Colleen was a natural. Me, not so much. It's harder than it looks, people! But he sure is encouraging and positive, which is why I'm releasing this episode to the world.

Have a listen here. If you don't see the gizmo below, it's your server or your phone. Fret not: the show is also available at iTunes, PodcastLand, Stitcher, and a bunch of other places, too numerous to mention.

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